vineri, 25 mai 2012

iHub – un produs al Apple care nu ar fi televizor

De cateva luni de zile se vorbeste despre lansarea unui Apple TV de catre compania Apple, insa deocamdata am auzit doar ideile unora si am vazut diverse concepte care probabil nu au vreo legatura cu un produs pe care Apple ar urma sa il lanseze. In aceasta idee un analist american propune un concept interesant care ar inlocui televizorul Apple cu un iHub. El spune ca in locul unui televizor Apple ar putea construi un ecran touchscreen de 32 de inch care s-ar putea denumi iHub, ar avea Siri, ar putea fi controlat prin gesturi si ar avea integrata o interfata asemanatoare cu cea a tabletei iPad.

Here’s me putting on the record what I’ve been telling clients behind closed doors for over a year: Apple should sell the world’s first non-TV TV. Instead of selling a replacement for the TV you just bought, Apple should convince millions of Apple fans that they need a new screen in their lives. Call it the iHub, a 32-inch screen with touch, gesture, voice, and iPad control that can be hung on the wall wherever the family congregates for planning, talking, or eating — in more and more US homes, that room is the dining room or eat-in kitchen. By pushing developers to create apps that serve as the hub of family life – complete with shared calendars, photo and video viewers, and FaceTime for chatting with grandma – this non-TV TV could take off, ultimately positioning Apple to replace your 60-inch set once it’s ready to retire.

If you think about it, my proposal takes advantage of everything Apple has going for it: Its base of super-engaged customers, its bevy of hungry developers, its ability to open our minds to the possibility of post-PC computing form factors, and its spectacular track record with generating elegant experiences that teach us to do things we didn’t know we needed. In fact, I want this so bad I can almost taste it. That’s why, if what Apple releases later in the year falls short of my admittedly high expectations and I will probably come off as less impressed than others. I’ll be comparing whatever the company eventually sells to a glorious and welcome revolution that only Apple could incite.

Analistul spune ca Apple ar putea face un centru multimedia controlat prin atingeri, gesturi, comenzi vocale si care ar putea efectua apeluri FaceTime, dar ar putea rula si aplicatii. In esenta el descrie o buna parte din tot ceea ce s-a spus pana acum despre Apple TV, insa produsul gandit de el ar avea un ecran mai mic, ar fi mai usor de mutat prin casa si ar avea functii in plus. Nu cred ca Apple va construi vreodata un televizor care sa ruleze aplicatii precum un iDevice, insa nu ar fi greu de crezut ca ar putea face unul cu FaceTime, Siri si interfata din Apple TV.

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